We gladly announce the workshop on Shape in Medical Imaging (ShapeMI), which is held in conjunction with the conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Interventions (MICCAI 2020) in Lima, Peru. The data is still TBD. This workshop is the second instance of ShapeMI, after a successful ShapeMI'18. The goal of this workshop continues being a venue for the presentation of the leading methods and applications for advanced shape analysis and geometric learning in medical imaging. It will provide a venue for researchers working in shape/geometric modeling, learning, analysis, statistics, classification and applications to share novel ideas, to present recent research results and to interact with each other. Today’s image data usually represents 3D geometric structures, often describing continuous and time-varying phenomena. Therefore, shape and geometry processing methods have been receiving increased attention, for example, due to their higher sensitivity to local variations relative to traditional markers, such as the volume of a structure. Shape and spectral analysis, learning and modeling algorithms, as well as application-driven research are at the focus of this workshop. In Medical Image Computing or Computer Aided Intervention, the understanding of shapes and their geometrical representations enables the modeling and analysis of organs, of anatomical or functional structures, as well as of high-dimensional structures in datasets representing population or disease data.
(new) 2020 Proceedings
This workshop targets theoretical contributions as well as exciting applications in medical imaging, including (but not limited to):
- Shape Processing and Analysis
- Shape Learning and Classification
- Geometric Learning and Manifold-based Methods
- Statistics of Shapes and Deformations
- Spectral Shape Analysis
- Spectral Clustering and Dimensionality Reduction
- Shape Modeling and Representation
- Shape Segmentation, Registration and Correspondence
- Longitudinal Shape Analysis and Processing
- Medical Applications focused on Shape Analysis
- Evaluation / quality assessment of shape models
- Relevant demos of freely available shape analysis software
Academic objectives
This workshops aims at bringing together medical imaging scientists to discuss novel approaches and application in shape and geometry processing and their use in research and clinical studies and applications. Another aim is to explore novel, cutting-edge theoretical methods and their usefulness for medical applications, such as from the fields of geometric learning or spectral shape analysis. As a single-track workshop, ShapeMI will feature excellent keynote speakers, technical paper presentations and demonstrations of state-of-the-art software for shape processing in medical research.
- Martin Reuter, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases, Bonn, Germany
& Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA - Christian Wachinger, Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich, Germany
- Hervé Lombaert, ETS Montreal, Canada & Inria Sophia-Antipolis, France
- Beatriz Paniagua, Kitware Inc. and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA
- Orcun Goksel, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Islem Rekik, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
Advisory Board / Program Committee
- Aasa Feragen, DIKU
- Claudia Lindner, U Manchester
- Diana Mateus, EC Nantes
- Ellen Gasparovic, Union College NY
- Ender Konukoglu, ETH Zurich
- Guido Gerig, NYU
- Ipek Oguz, Vanderbilt
- James Fishbaugh, New York University
- Julia Schnabel, King’s College London
- Kathryn Leonard, OXI
- Kilian Pohl, SRI International
- Marc Niethammer, UNC
- Marius Linguraru, Sheikh Zayed Institute
- Martin Styner, UNC
- Miaomiao Zhang, Lehigh University
- Philippe Buechler, University of Bern
- Ross Whitaker, University of Utah
- Shireen Elhabian, SCI Utah
- Stanley Durrleman, Inria & ICM
- Stefan Sommer, University of Copenhagen
- Steve Pizer, UNC
- Sungmin Hong (MGH/HMS)
- Thomas Vetter, University of Basel
- Tim Cootes, Manchester University
- Tinashe Mutsvangwa, University of Cape Town
- Umberto Castellani, University of Verona
- Xavier Pennec, INRIA Sophia Antipolis
- Yonggang Shi, University of Southern California
- Yoshinobu Sato, NAIST
- Washington Mio, Florida State University
Best Paper Award
The best paper award is sponsored by the Special Interest Group in Shape Modeling and Analysis